Hi I have been struggling for sometime with the error "URL could not be retrieved": Error Encountered While trying to retrieve the URL: http:// urlLOGIN The following error was encountered: Read Error The system returned: (54) Connection reset by peer An error condition occurred while reading data from the network. Please retry your request. Your cache administrator is webmaster . Background : This is the only website i'm having problems with, the main website ( www.url.x.x ) can open without problems, the problem is on a link that has a logon screen, meaning you would go to the actual site, then click atleast 3 links to get to a link that has login screen and then enter the username and password, the website would take time say 3 mins processing and then at the end throw the above error. I can access the very same website using 3G or a cellphone without problems except when i'm going through the Sophos UTM proxy. Resolution attempt: I tried creating exceptions for the actual website: Filtering options>Exceptions & added the website under Filtering options>Misc in the Transparent mode skip list, added it also on Allowed target services. Have also created a firewall rule to allow port 10443: Source host>service port 10443>Destination host and all this trouble still no luck. Firewall logs linked to the problem 1. astaro httpproxy[6253]: id="0001" severity="info" sys="SecureWeb" sub="http" name="http access" action="pass" method="POST" srcip="" dstip=" " user="" ad_domain="" statuscode="502" cached="0" profile="REF_HttProProxySwitc (Proxy Switchy)" filteraction="REF_DefaultHTTPCFFAction (Default content filter action)" size="1144" request="0xbdbc2800" url=" http://urlLOGIN" referer=" http://urlLOGIN" error="" authtime="0" dnstime="41" cattime="0" avscantime="0" fullreqtime="256266588" device="0" auth="0" ua="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" exceptions="av,auth,content,url,ssl,certcheck,certdate,mime,cache,fileextension" 2. astaro httpproxy[6253]: id="0001" severity="info" sys="SecureWeb" sub="http" name="http access" action="pass" method="CONNECT" srcip="" dstip="" user="" ad_domain="" statuscode="200" cached="0" profile="REF_HttProProxySwitc (Proxy Switchy)" filteraction="REF_DefaultHTTPCFFAction (Default content filter action)" size="7274" request="0xdb8fa800" url=" https://urs.microsoft.com/" referer="" error="" authtime="0" dnstime="182640" cattime="101" avscantime="0" fullreqtime="1398924" device="0" auth="0" ua="VCSoapClient" exceptions="av,fileextension" category="105" reputation="trusted" categoryname="Business" application="micrsoft" app-id="1151" For log no1 i have removed the srcip,dstip & the actual url(with urlLOGIN) for security reasons but for l og 2 i only removed the srcip and did not remove dstip because i do not understand why that IP is the destination. If somebody could kindly assist me and any other person having a similar problem. Thanks very much in advance