Hi Christian, yes, i found a lot of threats and also watched into the help. I always readed "Not working with on-access" and so on. Okay as eg. \Appdata\MyExcludedFolder\ should work, but there are so much folders (as i mentioned, those from vendors like MS) where this kind of "exclusion syntax" is not really useful. As a easy understanding example, the %temp% Variable. Also the %userprofile%, same thing there. I Can exclude \temp\ in Sophos, but the %temp% Variable must not have the "temp" letters in. Could also be something other. I dont exclude in genereal, i want to exclude explicit, but i dont want to exclude like an insane you know :-) So what is the "sophos world" using, for Exclusions like %appdata%\anything or %temp% or %userprofile%\something or %appdata%\AnInsaneCPUusingPlugin ? Steve