All, I wanted to thank everybody for the detailed information and screenshots. I have shared all of this with product management, dev and website teams. And I am sharing real-time updates as users post them in the forums (thank you all again for your help!). The activation problem is happening regardless of Sandboxie version, as it is not an issue with the program but with the server itself. And it needs to be further investigated/worked on. If you really want to use a non-supported version of Sandboxie (anything other than 5.30), then please follow these steps: Click Help --> Check for Updates Choose "Next week" Do not choose "Never". Choosing "never" will get you in that endless update popup loop . This issue is not program related, so previous versions will fail to activate as well as trigger the endless loop , thus we recommend to use version 5.30 (which takes care of the endless loop issue, in case you do want to choose "never"). I'll post an update as soon as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience. Regards,