Hallo Christian, es ist Shophos Central im Einsatz, der Zeitraum war zwischen dem 06.05.2019 - 08.05.2019. (Please visit the site to view this file) https://datareformoffice-my.sharepoint.com/personal/md_datareform_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fmd_datareform_com%2FDocuments%2FDokumente%2FTransferlaufwerk%2FSAV%2Etxt&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fmd_datareform_com%2FDocuments%2FDokumente%2FTransferlaufwerk&cid=14f952b9-ff69-4dfa-8983-9bf23a1ef414 Gruß Michael
Forum Post: RE: Sophos Endpoint WIN 10 1809 Virus & Bedrohungsschutz
Forum Post: Changed behavior when calling sandboxie start.exe from inside a snadbox in Windows 1809
Sandboxie 5.30, Windows 10 Pro 1809. At Windows 10 Pro 1709 and earlier versions, when from inside any sandboxZ you run from a batch script " ...Sandboxie\Start.exe /box:sandboxY c: ", it will open in that sandboxZ a windows explorer at c:\ But now that I upgraded to 1809 it does nothing. I use this approach so some files always open sandboxed but if I try to open them while alreade inside a sandbox I cannot open them anymore.
Forum Post: Sandboxie as an Invincea product is it included in those with an end of support and maintenance after December 2019 as some users here implied?
I am referning to the announcement here https://community.sophos.com/kb/en-us/131956 . Is sandboxie included to these products?
Forum Post: RE: Sophos Endpoint WIN 10 1809 Virus & Bedrohungsschutz
Hallo Michael, soweit ich sehe, wurde der On-Access-Scan am 2.5. von SYSTEM und am 13.5 einmal von SYSTEM und einmal von Lokaler Dienst abgebrochen. Kommt mir etwas sonderbar vor. SYSTEM scheint normalerweise auf, wenn der Scan über die Policy ausgeschaltet wird. Ich würde mich an den Support wenden, die sollen sich durch die Logs wühlen. Christian
Forum Post: RE: Download of WindowsCloudNextGen failed from server http:∕∕dci.sophosupd.com.
Hello Florian Stöffelmayr It won't be a bug per se, but will be more of a licensing issue where an updating credential was assigned to some incorrect license. Customer Care should be able to address this licensing issue. Regards,
Forum Post: RE: Changed behavior when calling sandboxie start.exe from inside a snadbox in Windows 1809
Yes it works for me as well if I try to use the bat from inside a sandbox that's why I assume it has to do with registry entries maybe in regards with bat files? It's the same with 5.28. Before upgrading to Windoes 10 Pro 1809 I was using 1709 so I'm not sure at which version of Windows this behavior changed. Actually I used for a very short time 1709 so it is possible that I didn't notice a change there but for sure in Windows 10 1703 and earlier it was working Thank you for your time
Forum Post: RE: Can somebody help me to start ARC in Sandboxie?
Hi jonas, To report a problem with Sandboxie, please follow this guide: How to report problems with Sandboxie If the game has an anti-cheat feature, you'll probably need to reach out to their tech support team to see if they are blocking Sandboxie. And, keep in mind that most anti-cheat software will not run inside Sandboxie. I'll leave this thread open in case other users have tried the game and may be able to assist you. Regards,
Forum Post: RE: Internet über Kabel zu langsam
Hallo Thomas, (Sorry, my German-speaking brain isn't creating thoughts at the moment. [:(]) Let's test at the command line (courtesy of member WayneBoyles): cd /home wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py --no-check-certificate cc set ips status 0 sleep 15s python speedtest.py cc set ips status 1 sleep 30s python speedtest.py In any case, you will want to read through #7 in Rulz (last updated 2019-04-17) . MfG - Bob (Bitte auf Deutsch weiterhin.)
Forum Post: RE: Can somebody help me to start ARC in Sandboxie?
how can i pypass the anticheat system? If you have a licensed version of Sandboxie, can you test "force in Sandboxie" ?
Forum Post: XG 105 - 40 users
Hi, I have 40 concurrent users on my sophos XG 105, can this cause me any problems?
Forum Post: RE: Can somebody help me to start ARC in Sandboxie?
Hi jonas, Sandboxie was not designed to help customers bypass programs' restrictions. You may need to reach out to the program's support team to find out what are your options. Regards,
Forum Post: RE: AP55 - 400mbit/s - Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit erhöhen?
Hallo Monviech, Herzlich willkommen hier in der Community ! Schau mal hier - hat's geklappt? MfG - Bob
Forum Post: RE: Can somebody help me to start ARC in Sandboxie?
ok, thx :)
Forum Post: XG with two RED 50, one keeps disconnecting
We have an XG 230 with two RED 50s connecting branch offices. One site has been totally stable while the other site's RED 50 disconnects and won't pull dhcp addresses from the XG after it reconnects unless we restart dhcp on the XG firewall. I'm not sure whether it's a defective RED or a flaky ISP connection. Since the two REDs are the same age and use the same XG I'm inclined to blame Comcast. Does anybody have advice on troubleshooting to isolate the issue to the RED or the ISP? Also what should I grep for in the RED log to identify disconnects? I did it once with a support tech, but lost my notes Thanks
Forum Post: RE: Upgrade to UTM 9.601-5 firmware doesn't start FW NAT rules on boot
Hello DeltaSM, no news from support :( and I confirm that problem is still existing with 9.602-3. Will contact them again. Daniel
Forum Post: RE: VPN NAT
Hallo Ralf, (Sorry, my German-speaking brain isn't creating thoughts at the moment. [:(]) If the answer from Monviech didn't solve your issue, please show pictures of the Edits of you IPsec Connection and you NAT rule. MfG - Bob (Bitte auf Deutsch weiterhin.)
Forum Post: RE: Domain URL Marked as SUSPICIOUS on Virus Total but shows CLEAN on SOPHOS Site.
When I access that domain, the local web proxy of the endpoint software reports it as follows: If you go to: https://secure2.sophos.com/en-us/support/submit-a-sample.aspx You can fill in the "Web Address (URL)" option. Regards, Jak
Forum Post: RE: Clients intermittently can't connect to APX530 and APX520.
Hi Ankit, I do have a ticket number that is the same problem but for a different location than the one I started this thread. Originally, support said there was no problem but there clearly is a problem with APs somehow forgetting their SSID settings or losing their configs until reboot. On May 6 when I made this thread, I had to reboot the AP a couple of times in one day due to the same issue. Luckily, the issue hasn't returned since May 6. Here's the other ticket: [#8842797]
Forum Post: RE: Secure Web Appliance VS XG Firewall for Web security
unfortuntally I can only offer a wishywashy oppinion.. I think they are both great products... (with a couple hundred users, either will work fine) if your already using swa and like it.. and dont need to replace it or upgrade/replace a firewall.. then I would probally stick with the swa.. as for EOL.. The swa has a roadmap and I am not aware of any plan to retire it. However that been said the roadmap for XG is much more agressive and includes many features.. including webfiltering. best thing I could suggest is to contact your account manager and get a trial for the XG, set it up in proxy mode and test it out.. Then you can make the best decion for your usecase.
Forum Post: RE: help with pppoe with Wind (Italy)
Hi, the red button indicates that your WAN link test cannot reach the device it is using as a test destination. What are your firewall rules? Ian