Forum Post: RE: Chromecast Audio cannot stream audio
Hi! Looks like nobody has a solution on this one. I have googled it and found absolutely nothing about this. Looks like nobody has the combination Chromecast audio and Sophos UTM. I am currently...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: UTM 9.4 Home Edition - High CPU load
Thanks a lot for your help. this bug also affects Sophos UTM 9.401-11
View ArticleForum Post: RE: How to disable snort_decoder rules?
[quote user="ema"] Hi... same problem here... as a side effect, my virtual machines running on my macbook (VMWare Fusion or VirtualBox) can not obtain ip address via DHCP if they have nic bridged to...
View ArticleForum Post: Simple why to block a single website for a host or network group
So there's a particular website I don't want a pair of hosts (which I've grouped into a network group) to access. I've bodged a solution by creating a new web filter profile which applies to that...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: E-Mail Protection - Ransomware
Diese Aussage macht mich aber jetzt doch neugierig. Um die (Bauchgefühl) 60-80% professionell entwickelten Schadcodes der Zeit der letzten 14 Tage welche ich mir näher angesehen habe, verzögern einfach...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: VPN und AD Usercredentials
Merci denke damit kann ich gut arbeiten! Hab auch schon probiert und denke es ist eine gute Alternative VG
hi utmadm, Thank you for your time. I still can't get UTM to work. I posted a network Diagram with how I am trying to do this. I have turned off all firewall. I still can't understand why it doesn't...
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Sophos stucks on Downloading
Now even Avira stopped working.....Hope they will improve this aspect because on UTM happened very sporadically. Please provide a way to safe rebuild AV engines from CLI (from an older saved version)....
View ArticleForum Post: RE: UTM 9.4 auf ASG 220 Rev 4. Installieren
Hallo Zusammen So wies Aussieht ist es entweder ein Hardware defekt oder etwas ist im BIOS vermurkst. Habe jetzt nochmals eine andere ASG220 bekommen. Bis jetzt scheint alles zu funktionieren. Güsse
View ArticleForum Post: RE: Routing issue - clients unable to access internet
Note of caution, I am not a professional—just fascinated by routing (and a bit obsessive). I apologize if this extremely long post is completely off base. My understanding of the ArchLinux setup is...
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